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It's Frightday 13th and so there was really only one exchange we could team up with for today's Fast Flipper, the scary one!

Wanna win 1,000 hits to Your site?

Simply surf just 100 pages today at each of...

Fast Easy Traffic
and the very spooky...

Traffic Witch!

and you will automatically be entered in a draw to win
1,000 credits at each exchange.

No need to claim, just surf and surf and, hopefully, win!!

There will be 15 lucky winners, 5 at each exchange.
Winners will be notifed in our next email, surf links below.

But you know there's more coming...

Another Top Tip

Brand new, one of a kind, free to join mailer just launched.
I got stunning results on the betatest and it pays good
commissions too!

You Can ...
* Make Money While Building Your List
* Brand Yourself As A Marketer
* And Get Unstoppable Traffic
* Without Clicking A Single Ad!

Hmmm, I'm sure that last week I promised...

Something Different! .... sssh, this is the cash bit....

So, lots to tempt you to surf 100 pages but to be fair, you can do that pretty quickly. So, do you want more?

Would you like the chance to win $10?

Simply surf 250 pages here at Traffic-Splash and you will be entered in the draw.

I don't know how many prizes there will be, if more of you surf 250 then I will award more prizes.

I will guarantee you that you'll have a VERY good chance of winning though. A VERY good chance!

Bargain Basement
This weekend I found something that should interest
a LOT of you. This is a 96 page ecourse that I read
in one sitting - rare event! - because it is that good!

I imagine you've heard the phrase - The Fortune Is In
The Followup - well it's true - and this course covers
exactly how to find that. It's called...
Follow Up To Fortunes.

This is not your bog-standard List Building course. This
shows what to do AFTER you have people on your list.
And that is how to make real money!

Look after your customers well and they stay with you.
So stands to reason that is how to make money. No
get rich quick, no easy button to wealth, they don't work.
Just provide good service in a business you are
passionate about and you will earn. This course helps
you get there.

If you are a novice this course takes you step by step
through the whole process and there are enough golden
nuggets liberally sprinkled throughout to make this a
worthwhile read for the more experienced too.

This is not free but it is less than ten bucks and highly
recommended. If you apply what you discover here
you will recoup that many many many times over.

Some ideas here I rarely see talked about too....

So, huge surf rewards, Double Super Surf and the
chance to win a share of $100. Hmmmm....

Seems like a great day to go Splashing!

To Register, please visit :
Promote Traffic-Splash for 50% Commissions!

We have put together some fantastic promotional tools to help you.
Please note: we strongly recommend that you use personalized splash pages in traffic exchanges.

...where you can turn Splashes into Floods of Traffic!

Are you looking to advertise your web business?
Are you looking to grow your opt-in list?
Are you looking to build your affiliate program?
Are you looking for resources to improve your advertising?
Traffic-Splash can help!
Traffic-Splash is a simple to use Advertising Program that allows you get started in just minutes. Traffic-Splash offers you free and/or paid advertising providing you with fast, top quality traffic and excellent Customer-is-King service. Our simple three-way advertising system makes us an excellent solution for your advertising needs. Traffic-Splash is a Family Friendly Manual Traffic Exchange. No HYIP sites, no PTP sites, no Autosurfs.Traffic-Splash is already top ranked by Affiliate Funnel Surfers Choice, Hit Exchange News and Traffic Hoopla and is growing fast with 46857 members already.